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Warmly welcome the leaders of Lishi Street in the Shenfu Demonstration Zone to carry out the "Sending Cool Heat Prevention" activity in Dufengxuan

Labor Union Sending Cool Comfort Activities

On August 15, 2023, Lishi Street carried out an activity called "Labor Union Sending Cool and Heat Prevention to Protect Health" to comfort frontline workers. Deng Jun, Secretary of Lishi Street, Zhao Fenglai, Deputy Director, and Zhang Ying, Director of the Party and Government Office, came to Fushun Dufengxuan Bone God Biotechnology Co., Ltd. to deliver iced green tea, iced black tea, and white sugar to frontline workers in production, equipment, and warehouse management during the scorching summer. These condolence items have made frontline workers working in high-temperature environments feel the care of the union.

This condolence activity is an application made by the company's labor union to the Li Shi labor union. After multiple active communications, it is hoped that it can bring a touch of coolness to frontline workers. In the future, it will devote more enthusiasm to work and contribute to the development of Dufengxuan Company!

Du Fengxuan's contact information:
Address:No. 61 Shendong Second Road, Shenfu Demonstration Zone
Code of securities listed on the New Third Board of Dufengxuan:
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